There are so many people asking us about our location and can we send them.
So we round up some different situations and our exporting experiences in this map. Hope it can help you understand more about our work.
Taiwan, where we are. Taiwan makes most of the Airsoft guns in the world. We are also located in here. Currently, all of our packages are shipped from here.
Light Blue, special requirements:
1.Red/Orange nozzle:
-The US
We will paint all the nozzles of our US' orders in red due to SB 199 and your customs requirement.
2.Two package service:
-Canada "PISTOL ONLY", Canadian customs will refuse all pistol type airsoft if we ship in one package. Please select two packages service during purchasing.
-Korea, similar situation like Canada, but also all airsoft. So, we will ship it in two packages unless you buy pur airsoft kit.
-Other Regions with no specific guide to ship airsoft guns are also recommend using this service.
3.Portugal two tone, please select two tone during purchasing.
Low power. So far we can ship standard power into Japan. But if you want a low power and velocity one. You can ask us to change it to a low velocity nozzle. No extra cost normally.
Green, Licensing:
-The Netherlands: NABV
-UK: Import with a UKARA number is the best way, almost no customs problem. Otherwise, try two tone or two packages, but not 100% safe, around 98% and 80% respectively. We do not recommend using the reenactment association and military viechel club membership cards for import purpose. Your customs may still refuse or seize the package without informing us.
Blue, no import problem:
-Almost no problem for importing in EU (not include Matla). But sometime EU customs will find trouble without reason (around 1-2% of our total order to EU). Please contact us if you have import problem)
-Hong Kong, but not sure how long
Brown, we were able to ship, but halted due to COVID. The shipping has not resumed yet:
-UAE and Sourth Africa
-Malta, not shown in the map
Red, restricked: Anyway, you can try, but no refund.
-Australia, China, Russia and the Philippines: We have shipped to you but your countries, but most of the time, airsoft is prohibited to be imported. Only licensed dealers in Australia, Russia and the Philippines are allowed to import. We had shipped to China twice and passed. Maybe they were some bigwigs in Beijing.
-India, Malaysia, Saudi Aradia, etc: Illegal.
Gray, we can but have not shipped to these countries yet. Please contact us before ordering.
We will keep updating this list.
Best wishes
SWIT Airsoft Team